What to Expect
When you join us for worship on Sunday morning, you’ll find diversity in many forms. Some people wear their “Sunday best,” while others are dressed for hiking or skiing activities that will fill the rest of their day. Our music is eclectic – from traditional hymns to praise band tunes. And our liturgy, though it follows the Presbyterian tradition, often reflects the current moment that we find ourselves in. Rotating art displays, from member artists as well as the broader community, add a thought-provoking dimension to worship themes.
Constants in your Sunday experience with us include:
· Scripture (both Old and New Testament) as the starting point for considering
how God is at work in our lives
· Communion on the first Sunday of each month
· Kids church, where children in grades K-6 gather during worship to study,
create, and play following the same
scripture an themes as adult church
· Nursery for infants and children through pre-school
· Coffee fellowship following worship, where we hope to get better acquainted
and share life together.